Plantation Contents:

Winds of Change

Contact with European culture set native Hawaiians on a new course. How did these changing winds affect the ahupua'a at Nawilwili Bay?


When the ahupua'a of Nawiliwili Bay were divided into separate parts, what was the effect on the native people?

What was the impact of private property and the market economy on land use at Nawiliwili Bay?

"Sugar is a thirsty crop."
(from Sugar Water by Carol Wilcox)
How did the plantations manage and direct this gift of Kane?


The new market economy was directed at generating profits for the plantation. How did this impact the land and water resources at Nawiliwili Bay?


The new economy meant import and export. The plantation said Nawiliwili needed a harbor. Follow the process of redesigning a natural thing.
You Like Fish?

What about the surf? What about the fish? Hear it from two who know.
Contact with European culture forever altered the Hawaiian Islands. In the next section, we look at the winds of change that began with Captain Cook's arrival.
Created June 2001